Fans Have More Friends
What if we told you that fans have more friends? Not only that, but what if we said that fans engage with those friends more often, and they value those friendships more? In fact, fans engage in and value their family relationships more, too. What if we told you that fans exhibit stronger measures of wellbeing, happiness, confidence, and optimism than non-fans? What if we told you that fans tend to be more trusting of others and more confident in institutions? Or that fandom helps mitigate the loneliness and polarization that plague our culture today?
Fans Have More Friends arrives at a conclusion that, once seen, cannot be unseen: being a sports fan is good for you, good for others, and good for society.

“A shared love for our teams and sports can be an unexpected source of community and happiness. In Fans Have More Friends Ben Valenta and David Sikorjak explore a convincing case for how fandom can improve both our relationships and lives.”
“Fans Have More Friends opened my eyes to fandom’s ability to galvanize relationships, build community, and instill in us a greater sense of belonging. A must-read for fans and non-fans alike. I’ve never been much of a sports fan myself, but after reading Fans Have More Friends, you’ll see me at a ballgame this season.”
“In a world so badly in need of things that bring us together, Valenta and Sikorjak overwhelmingly prove the case for one that works not just incredibly well, but better than we ever knew. I am a super-fan of this book.”
“[Fans Have More Friends] effectively blends keen storytelling with erudite analysis that will appeal to both scholars of human behavior and lifelong sports enthusiasts.”
“[Fans Have More Friends] positions fandom as a remedy to loneliness—something that creates a sense of belonging. And it claims that there are other benefits too: fandom unifies communities, lessens polarization, and improves individual well-being.”